Saturday, March 13, 2010

A blissful day=D

just back from outside..2day went sing k with my babys..they are janice,lynn and qian...
really enjoy the time spent with them..
they are so humour and funny...
lolss...2day we dancing like what baby lynn said"orang gila"...
hahaha...what pattern also came out lar..we create ourself one..
then we even cant tahan and laughing...

“rah rah ah ah ah~rama ramama~gaga wulala~"

i even cant hear what we sang..
some more dont know we sing or we shout!!
because just like simply dance and simply sing..then laugh!!
treasure the time we spent together..the feeling still linger..
i love you girls like previously..
like how i love you all at plkn...
our memory..its belong to us...
time passed...
but it cant seize them...
they are belong to us...
belong to me...

By fen

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