Friday, December 18, 2009

My turn now...lolss!!!^.^

Hahaha!!! turn to post something here.hmm…I have to apologize with my two best only i came to post…Hmm! We have our own blog, just like what ivy said, no matters what we will be in the future, we still link to each others. Yea…such a good idea to create a blog regarding three of us…we can share anything here. .from here…I will find out what’s my dears think and doing what recently…lols!!actually I no idea with what I should post here..but anything lar..i just write what come out in my mind now..Okay buddies?

I am now just finished my final exam…lols..i tell u guys, this time my pointer sure will decrease one…haiz..i have no confident with myself.. How to maintain it.. Very tough ler..haha! Even though the lecturer bocor the question…shhyyy….don’t tell others..haha .no lar. Yeap…even I know what topic will come out, waliu!! I still don’t know how to solve the question…what a pity..right? But never mind lar,I trust myself can pass de…

Few month ago…I faced a big problem that I ensure I am not to face this type of trouble again…u guy sure know what I means…hmm… yea…because of this, I had done so many stupid things and made the people around me worried and even cried for me and this have hurting our friendship, my fault…here, I would like to apologize again..i really feel sorry to all of you..but, same word I have to tell all my friends, I promised u guy I will change ..And I know myself…I have really changed…lolss!!!did you see it? Haha…I don’t know whether you guys can see or can feel anot..But I found myself out…haha.i remember what my dear told me…" Do you treat yourself the way you want other people to treat you, you must begin to treat yourself with love and respect.” I never blame you my dear….i will and I can do it!!So…don’t ever worry about me again…all my dear friends, who accompany, console and courage me, I love you Damn much!!Thanks you all…we are friend forever…

Recently, our pretty wen wen seems like moody and downcast…dear!!Cheer up! While I facing trouble..You share with me and console me, asked me to cheer up..Now, I want you to know, you are not alone to face the problem too…we always get ready to share with you..Okay? Don’t hesitate to telling us...If you feel like want to cry..We can cry together…since we always laughing together...haha..Hmmm….ivy cat huiting…do u guys agreed with me? lols…sure what…..our friendship so rigid!!!Do take care my dear…we always look forward to you coming back hang out with us….miss ya…

If you see the hot tears falling
From a friend’s weeping eyes,
Share them. And by kindly sharing
Own our kinship in the skies.
Why should anyone be glad
When a friend’s heart is sad?


Haha..This poem was writing by our pretty ivy….nice, touching…..good things must share with others. lols!!

Write by fen.

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