Friday, January 15, 2010

nothing for me~

Something was happening, I feel confuse…y I cannot know about tat. As a normal people, something was happened, but u cannot know wat was actually happening, sure we will feel weird n think much. Everything is coming suddenly, tat day my mind cant stop to thinking wat is going on. I was depressed and in a confused state of mind. Feeling me jz lik a silly girl, know nothings. My curious make me wanna go to find out wat was happening. So may be like dis, u all seen I really wanna to know abov tat case. I admit tat I really wan to know abov tat, but I noe, no the rite time now…I will rmb wat u had told me before.

I knew tat u dun wan to let me know is for my own good... I really know about tat. Dun worry my friend, there is nothing for me, I jz think only… n my think n my curious already stop at tat nite. 2molo after slp, wake up, another good day is waiting for me, I won’t easily stop my step coz of this small case. I still hav long way to go…I jz care about myself, I wanna b a hapi person, I jz care about u, I oso jz wanna u b hapi. My world no need so complicated, everything we can b control by ourselves, I jz wan b a normal person. Stay hapi n healthy~only cannot lost my friendship…

Appreciates all the things u done for me…thx my dear.

By yujie

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